Standard Equity Bank Budget Planner
Our free budget planner may help you to identify your outgoings and where changes may be made such as where these can be reduced. It may also help you to see if you have enough money left to cover any additional borrowing e.g. a loan or mortgage. To download the planner, please click the link below.
See also a link for the InBest Benefits Calculator* to help you find out if you’re elibible for any benefits.
DISCLAIMER: The results provided by the budget planner are based on certain assumptions, including the data entered by the user. The budget planner does not account for individual needs or circumstances. The results generated are for reference only, it does not and is not intended to constitute financial advice. Standard Equity Bank shall not be liable for any errors or omissions (human, mechanical or otherwise) in or for any reliance placed upon the results by anyone; nor shall it be liable for the consequences of any decision or action taken upon or as a result of the information or results provided by the budget planner.
*Standard Equity Bank is not responsible for the content and workings of this site.